

69ID: 418983

年龄: 51

性别: 男性

寻找: 女性,夫妻/情侣,群组

地区: 中国,四川,成都

金钱: 0

积分: 0

人气: 83854

简单介绍: I am from America. Like going out to clubs having fun, and adult play.




GuyinChengdu >> 日志 >> Going to Shanghai

Going to Shanghai

发布日期 : 2010-12-04     作者 : GuyinChengdu     人气 : 5929

I will travel soon to shanghai.  I hope I can have a chance to find some of my dreams there.  Looking to be part of what I see so many have already done.  I will be there for a week alone.  My wife who can not yet open herself  wants me to have a chance.  I love her for her trying to let me.  I hope some of you in Shanghai can contact me. We can chat and see what happens. Adventure is life!


look for GuyinChina we may meet some day on the super highway.


2010-12-05 00:15:20
Good luck !! i like u so mach ! Your photos already make me infatuate

2010-12-05 13:58:35

2011-03-01 23:31:34

2011-05-05 16:27:37
If you have a chance to come Beijing, We can try to give you a hand. Good luck.

2012-08-22 22:51:24
are you a native english speaker? i am so sorry your country's public education! a piece of shit! now you can go and fuck urself.

2012-08-23 23:59:36
thjbo1: Yes I am a native English speaker. I can see from your comments you are not. But none-the-less I understand your English, and I do admire your ability to converse in multiple languages. I am not sure the reason for the mean-spirited response, but I am sure its small. Anyways, good luck in your endeavor. I bid you no ill will. Oh and if you comments are in reference to my choice in wording; I was attempting to simplify my English in order to make it more easily understandable to those whom do not hold your high level of fluency.

2013-05-29 15:36:00
haha....what a generous guy

2015-04-05 15:37:04

2015-04-21 05:31:50
talk us

2015-04-24 00:46:37

2015-09-12 12:01:10
hi,If you have a chance to come jiaxing,zhejiang, We can try to give you a hand. Good luck.

2018-03-29 07:26:54
add me, wechat is OK
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